Learn more about parking permits, regulations, and fines at LCCC.
Student Parking Permits
All students who plan to park on campus must register for a parking permit. You may register more than one car. This registration can be done at the same time you register for class.
Once you obtain your permit, you are encouraged to have a registration sticker displayed on the rear window of your vehicle. This enables public safety officers to identify and notify you in case of any problem with the vehicle.
Parking Information
We provide over 1,400 parking spaces. Students (both credit and noncredit) must park in designated Student Lots, which are A, C, D, E, F, G, I, K, and L.
Accessible parking for those with disabilities is available in Lot H, along with numerous other designated spaces in lots throughout campus.
Motorcycle and Bike Parking
Designated motorcycle parking is located in Lot C (northwest corner). However, a motorcycle can park in any designated student parking space. Bicycle racks are located between the ARC and Technology buildings on the lower level.
Mass Transit
No car? No problem! LANTA provides weekday pick-ups and drop-offs at the south end of parking lot B. Discounted LANTA bus passes are available for purchase in the Business Office. Call 610-799-1592 for information.
Parking Regulations and Fines
Parking lots are patrolled regularly (this includes weekends and holidays), and each person is expected to park in accordance with rules and regulations.
LCCC reserves the right to alter parking assignments on a permanent or temporary basis when new construction, major repairs, and emergency situations require such changes.
Students may not park in the following spaces without appropriate permissions:
- Accessible parking spots for those with disabilities
- Safety/fire zones
- Loading zones/docks
- Lawns, sidewalks, roadways
- Reserved spaces, including:
- Security spaces
- President’s/VP’s spaces
- United Way space
- PTK space
- Service technician space
- Student Success space
- Food service space
- Bookstore manager space
- Employee lot/spaces until 5 p.m.
Warnings will be issued during a first-time violation, except for accessible parking violations. Those parked in an accessible parking spot will immediately receive a ticket regardless of it being a first-time offense. Note that it is unrealistic that everyone be guaranteed a warning due to the volume of campus traffic.
All offenses will have a fine of $15, except for accessible parking violations. For accessible parking violations, a first offense carries a fine of $50, a second offense $100, and a third offense $200.
Payments and Appeals
Fine payments must be made at the Business Office within five business days of receiving a ticket.
Anyone who wishes to appeal a parking citation (ticket) must do so by contacting the Appeals Committee at within those same five business days. If you do not appeal the citation within this time, you will lose your right to make an appeal.
If you do not pay your fine, and the Appeals Committee does not receive a written notification of appeal, your registration will be traced, the violation will increase by $10, which includes the $5 registration tracing fee, and a letter will be sent. In addition, a hold will be placed on your account, preventing you from receiving your grades, transcripts, and diploma, as well as registering for the next semester, until the fine is paid.
Unattended Vehicles
Any unattended vehicle parked in a manner deemed blocking or hindering traffic or creating a public safety issue will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Anyone leaving a vehicle parked overnight on Lehigh Carbon Community College property for any reason must notify the Department of Public Safety immediately. Unattended vehicles left on LCCC property for 48 hours will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Parking or leaving a vehicle unattended in Parking Lot J is prohibited at all times, unless for an authorized LCCC event. Vehicles left in Lot J will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Please note that anyone parked on Lehigh Carbon Community College property is parking at their own risk and holds the college harmless of any damage or loss to their property.